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Building the future of Casentino by listening to residents' opinions: the online survey proposed within Spoke 10 of the PNRR project "THE" "Tuscany Health Ecosystem," coordinated by the Sant'Anna School of Pisa, is now launched

The "Population Observatory" in the inland areas of the province of Arezzo is launched and will soon be activated on Elba Island as well. The research team: "Citizens' input is essential to design and activate interventions and initiatives capable of responding to the needs of the population


Publication date: 24.05.2024
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Activities in Casentino of Spoke 10 of the PNRR project "THE" ("Tuscany Health Ecosystem"), coordinated by the Sant'Anna School of Pisa, begin, and the first action "on the ground" is the invitation to respond to the online survey addressed to all citizens residing in the Casentino municipalities and offering the opportunity to share their experiences of life in this territory, in an easy and direct way.

The online survey is simple and accessible and collects citizens' opinions on crucial issues such as quality of life, social and health services, infrastructure and public transport, Internet connectivity, and services offered by third sector associations. "The online survey represents an opportunity for listening and shared construction of the future of local communities and therefore the contribution of as many citizens as possible seems essential," explains the research team of the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna in presenting this initiative.

To promote participation in the online survey in Casentino, an information campaign will be prepared in collaboration with local governments, the ASL Toscana sud est and third sector institutions. Dedicated events in the area and dissemination of the invitation to participate through social networks will be the main tools used to engage citizenship.

As the research team of the Sant'Anna School points out, the "Population Observatory" will use the data collected through the online survey anonymously to obtain a detailed overview of both the needs but also the resources of the community in Tuscany's inland areas. "Through citizens' responses, it will be possible to identify both strengths and weaknesses of services, as well as local resources that can be used to promote initiatives to improve the health and well-being of all citizens. Citizen involvement and participation is critical to the success of the design phase of subsequent interventions. Participation means not only expressing their needs, but also contributing to the 'THE' project, that is, to improving the quality of life of those who choose to live in Casentino. The 'Population Observatory' now active in Casentino is already planning to extend the survey to Elba Island.

HERE is the link to participate in the online survey. 

Cover photo: Casentino (source: Wikipedia).